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The following questionnaire is part of an European Project on Participative Prevention of Psychosocial Emergent Risks on SMEs.

Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece participate in this project. The main goal of the project is to transfer what is known about these types of risks to the field, by developing toolkit for the companies management and prevention of such risks.


Your participation on this survey is very important to us, because we want the toolkit to give answer to your specific needs and requests. We are interested in knowing what happens in your company, and there are no right or wrong answers. The company or the respondent(s) will never be identified in any part of the project, and we guarantee confidentiality and anonimousity of the answers.


The survey takes about 15-20 minutes to complete. You can, if you wish, complete a part of it, save it, and finish it later on.





 Thank you very much for your collaboration!

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